Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Eduactional Games

You don't have to be a genius to understand the work of the Nobel Laureates. These games and simulations, based on Nobel Prize-awarded achievements, will teach and inspire you while you're having FUN!
Blood Typing Game

HUMAN BLOOD GROUPS 2012 Winner of the Best Game Category by Swedish Learning Awards and nominated for the . Try it out and learn about human blood types and blood transfusions!

Play the Blood Typing Game!
Watch the "Why Chemistry Matters" videos in full screen
Nobel Prize Awarded Women

WOMEN BEEN AWARDED 44 TIMES Find out about the work by four famous scientists!

Maria Goeppert Mayer (physics)
Marie Curie (physics and chemistry)
Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard (medicine)
Elinor Ostrom (economic sciences)
Unlocking the Secrets of Our Cells

DOCUMENTARY Discover how the 2012 Nobel Laureates' cell research may change the way we treat disease.

Top 10 Most Visited Educational Games

1. The Blood Typing Game
2. The DNA - the Double Helix Game
3. The Immune System Game
4. The Control of the Cell Cycle Game
5. The Pavlov's Dog Game
6. The Electrocardiogram Game
7. The Transistor
8. The Diabetic Dog Game
9. The Split Brain Experiments Game
10. The Lord of the Flies Game
Immune Responses

IMMUNOLOGY Find out how our immune system protects us and sometimes harms us in ten interactive stops.

Or watch the documentary The Body's Secret Army introduces us to scientists, doctors, and patients who are united by their determination to unlock the immune system’s mysteries, as well as to some of the Nobel Prize-awarded pioneers..
Watch "The Body's Secret Army"
29 min.
In order to see the video you need Adobe Flash Player
Copyright © Nobel Media AB 2011
Credits: Kikim Media (production)
Nerve Signaling

NEURO SCIENCES Find out more about our nervous system in 18 animated stops.

Have a look!

or watch the documentary The Mystery of Memory which provides a unique insight into the secrets of the brain's astounding ability to record and recall information, and includes interviews with some of today's most prominent scientists, such as Eric Kandel, 2000 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine.
Watch "The Mystery of Memory"

VISIT http://www.nobelprize.org/educational/ For Games

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